Terms and Conditions for submissions to the MTR Community Art Gallery
1. The application period for the following year’s submission is on a first come, first served basis for Government and related organisations/charitable institution or trust of a public character*/school# (hereinafter known as applicants). However, any first-time applicant will be given priority. Submissions beyond the application period will not be considered under normal circumstances.
*For any charitable institution or trust of a public character, which is exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (website: https://www.ird.gov.hk/eng/tax/ach_search.htm)
#For any primary, secondary school, kindergarten, kindergarten-cum-child care centre listed in the School Lists by District by Education Bureau (website: https://www.edb.gov.hk/en/student-parents/sch-info/sch-search/schlist-by-district/index.html)
2. Applicants should be located in the corresponding station district, or the submission will not be considered.
3. Each applicant should submit one application ONLY. Duplicate submissions will not be considered.
1. Submissions must be for two-dimensional works that can be placed on the Gallery’s display panel. Specific dimensions are listed in the Community Art Gallery of MTR (Appendix 3) for reference.
2. The submissions cannot contain any violent, indecent or unpleasant elements that may arouse public concern or discomfort.
3. Applicants will be notified of the results by post/fax two months before the display period.
4. Each applicant is advised to submit a sketch outlining the display layout, photos of a banner indicating the school/organisation name and all products to be displayed in the station together with the attached reply slip one month before the exhibition period for vetting.
5. Upon notification of a successful application, the applicant must submit the artwork display to the station two weeks before the posting date.
Artwork posting and dismantling
1. Banners showing the organisation/institution/trust/school name of the applicant should not exceed 10 cm in height. No telephone numbers, addresses, email addresses or website addresses can be displayed on the panels.
2. Magnets must be used to affix the artwork and banners to the panels. No adhesive tape should be used to attach submissions.
3. Highly flammable materials must not be used in the submissions.
4. Safety instructions from station staff must be followed.
5. Each applicant is responsible for arranging the delivery, installation and removal of the artwork on the first day and the last day of the display period under staff supervision. Station staff can provide assistance when necessary.
6. The Corporation reserves the right to make the final decision on the screening process, the display month period and the selection of artwork to be exhibited.
7. The Corporation reserves the right to handle any unclaimed artwork after the display period. Unclaimed artwork will be disposed of two weeks after the display period has ended.
8. The Corporation is not responsible for any damage or loss which may be caused during the exhibition period.
1. 港鐵社區畫廊於每年五月至十月接受政府部門及有關機構/慈善機構或慈善信託*/學校# (以下簡稱為申請者) ,申請於下年度展出藝術作品,。在一般情况下,參展申請將按「先到先得」的程序處理,惟首次申請會獲優先考慮,逾期申請恕不接受。
*慈善機構或慈善信託指根據《稅務條例》第88條獲豁免繳稅的慈善機構或慈善信託(查詢網頁: https://www.ird.gov.hk/chi/tax/ach_search.htm)
#學校指上載於教育局網頁的教育局分區學校名冊上列出的中學、小學、幼稚園、幼稚園暨幼兒中心(查詢網頁: https://www.edb.gov.hk/tc/student-parents/sch-info/sch-search/schlist-by-district/index.html)
2. 申請者須與所申請展出作品的車站位處同一地區,否則恕不接受。
3. 每一個申請者只可遞交一份申請。重覆申請恕不接受。
1. 作品必須為平面作品,能貼到社區畫廊的展板上。各社區畫廊的展板面積詳見於附件三。
2. 作品不可含有暴力、不雅或引致公眾不安的內容。
3. 所有申請者將會在有關展覽期前兩個月經郵遞/傳真接獲通知申請結果。
4. 當申請獲接納後,申請者則應於作品展出一個月前,遞交一幅板面設計圖、寫上申請者部門/機構/信託/學校名稱的橫額及所有參展作品的相片,連同附上的回條一併交回所屬車站作評審。
5. 收到通知申請成功後,申請者應於指定展期開始前兩星期將藝術作品交到有關車站。
1. 寫上申請者部門/機構/信託/學校名稱的橫額,高度不可超過 10 厘米。相關的的地址、電話、電郵地址或網址,不可展示於展板上。
2. 請以磁石貼將每幅畫作和橫額貼到展板上。切勿使用膠紙來貼上作品。
3. 作品不能採用任何易燃或高度易燃的材料。
4. 應遵從車站職員的所有安全指引。
5. 申請者負責安排所需人手,按車站職員的指引於指定展期首日將作品貼上展板; 並於指定展期最後一日將展品除下。車站職員會從旁協助。
6. 港鐵公司保留挑選展品和展期的最後決定權。
7. 申請者應於作品展期結束後兩星期內取回展品,港鐵公司有權處置逾期未有取回的作品。
8. 作品如在展出期間有任何損毀或遺失,港鐵公司概不負責。
Personal Information Collection Statement
The personal information provided by you will be kept confidential and used by MTR Corporation Limited solely for the purpose of processing the application for the MTR Community Art Gallery. The personal information provided will not be transferred to any other parties, unless such parties are authorised by law to request the information or it is otherwise relevant to and necessary for the purposes stated above. Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to request access to and correction of your personal information. Such requests may be made in writing to the MTR station which has approved your application to exhibit your works.
您所提供的個人資料將會保密及只會用作處理香港鐵路有限公司「港鐵社區畫廊」的申請。有關個人資料不會轉交予其他人士,除非該等人士獲法例授權要求取得有關資料或為上述目的有關及必要的情況。 根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》的規定,您有權以書面方式向您成功申請展出作品的港鐵車站,要求查閱及改正您的個人資料。